Franchise Partner


In Franchise Partner Module we provide a chance to establish a new school & adopt our Curriculum for Feature Ready school with the following benefits as below. Also we provide our Franchise set up to existing schools.

Building Educational Ventures with Holy Kids

School Setup

We offer aspiring entrepreneurs a unique opportunity to establish a new school under the esteemed Holy Kids banner. Our comprehensive support includes guidance and resources for setting up the physical infrastructure, ensuring a conducive environment for effective learning.


Franchise partners gain exclusive access to our meticulously designed curriculum, setting the foundation for a “Future-Ready” school. This curriculum is crafted to meet the highest educational standards, providing a structured and engaging learning experience for students.

Teachers Training

Ensuring the success of our franchise partners, we provide thorough training programs for teachers. This empowers educators with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively implement our curriculum, fostering a high-quality learning environment.

Teaching Learning Materials

Franchise partners receive a curated set of teaching and learning materials that align seamlessly with our curriculum. These resources enhance the educational experience, making the teaching process more interactive and effective.

Marketing Support

To boost visibility and enrollment, we offer robust marketing support to our franchise partners. Our strategies are designed to promote the school within the local community, helping it become a preferred choice for parents seeking quality education.

Low Investment

We understand the importance of financial feasibility. Our franchise model is structured with a low investment requirement, making it an attractive and accessible opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to venture into the education sector with Holy Kids.